I had previously posted this in the Helpdesk forum, but thought it warranted a place in the Bugs forum.
If a Recommended film is added to your Watchlist, the film is removed from being Recommended. This may make sense.
However, removing the film from your Watchlist does not allow the film to be re-Recommended. It is almost as if the film Recommendations are being ignored.
It is an annoying bug. I wish I hadn’t bothered to even use the Watchlist, as now my recommendations are all messed up; only showing films that I did not intend on watching.
I’ll try it again to see if I can replicate it. I’ve added all 10 Recommended movies to my Watchlist. I will check in a few days or so to see what happens…
When I noticed the issue initially, it did take a few days for my Recommended list to update and remove all the movies that were added to the Watchlist. This is my original thread:
Just to confirm, after adding the 10 Recommended films to my Watchlist, they are now no longer Recommended after a few days.
I added the 10 Recommended films:
The Pianist
Into The Wild
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End
American History X
A Beautiful Mind
(500) Days of Summer
Edge of Tomorrow
Requiem For A Dream
My NEW Recommended films are:
Black Swan
Minority Report
Gone Girl
Back To The Future Part II
My Neighbor Totoro
Million Dollar Baby
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Unfortunately, that is not true. As my Recommended films on the Beta is exactly the same as the normal website.
Any films that I have ever added to my Watchlist do not appear there. As suggested above, there appears to be a refresh of the Recommended films.
Test it out for yourself. Add Recommended films to your Watchlist. Wait a few days, then see they are no longer Recommended. Removing them from your Watchlist will have no effect.
I have to agree with Drabaroo, I have never been recommended a film on my watchlist, and after adding a recommended film to the watchlist it is never recommended again.
This may not be exact science, though, because I did not add many movies to my watchlist that I got recommended all the time, anyway. But for some it is certainly true.
I would guess that the Recommended list isn’t pulling data directly from the ‘Unchecked’, but a version of the ‘Unchecked’ that excludes ‘Watchlist’ and ‘Ignored’ (and films previously on ‘Watchlist’).
This is still an issue. The Recommended list is still broken by the Watchlist. I used to consider this one of my main reasons in coming to the website.
It feels like this bug is just being ignored. The only attempt at investigating seems a quick ‘add and check’, whereas the Recommended list is not updated immediately.