Can't Import IMDb file

After we input my file and the settings, we get

413 Request Entity Too Large


Another user reported this on the unofficial forum and I checked and got the same result he did.

Ah crap, my bad. Will fix today

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Ok, problem should be fixed.

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I was just successfully imported my checks.

Thanks @Marijn ! :partying_face:

I can import, but some of the ratings don’t get imported…

Still can’t import my ratings, unless I make the file much smaller.

And I can import but still not all ratings get imported… very frustrating since there’s no way of checking which titles don’t get imported.

Hi Nine99. How big was the original file you wanted to import (file size & # of entries)?
How small did you have make it before it was accepted?

Hi bal3x. Could you share the import file you used? And list a few of the titles which didn’t import the ratings? I’m curious if there is any common denominator among them, or if it was random.

pm, thanks!

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When I try to import my IMDb ratings, I get

Blockquote 504 Gateway Time-out
The server didn’t respond in time.

My file is 2,567KB with 17,240 rows of data

I just noticed two new checks appeared after what seemed like a failed attempt to import my IMDb data. Not sure what’s going on exactly.

If I understand correctly, it processed at least 2754 lines of data

I have discovered recently that sometime the IMDB listhelper scripts grabs an VideoGame IMDB TT number/link and then you’re screwed if you try to import the exact same list …
IMHO icm import script should hint you about that error … all you get is the generic trouble message that don’t help much.