Beta site down?

v2 working fine but noticed no IMDb votes - thought I would do a quick update but getting " 504 Gateway Time-out
The server didn’t respond in time." Tried a couple other pages and got the same time out message.

Beta is working for me. Don’t know if it was fixed, or if it’s a localized issue.

yeah, still getting the same time out. Will try restarting my browser and deleting iCM cookies/cache to see what effect that has

okay, that helped - sort of

when I try to view I get the error:

Whoops! You do not have access to view this page.

Did you ensure that you are logged in? If you do not already have an account, please register.

Yes, I just logged in fresh before trying to open that link on my list

Also, when I open Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021) - and click on " Pssst, want to check out Venom: Let There Be Carnage in our new look?, I’m asked to log in to the site again and then get

Whoops! Unfortunately, the server encountered an error while processing your request.

You have to believe us when we say this is not intentional. We’ve already dispatched our bughunter to fix this issue for you.

I’m clearly staying logged in for v2 and this forum, but somethings not right with, can I call it log in permanence?, on the beta site.

edit: the Venom page now worked for me as did the link to my list displayed on the beta site

no idea what’s going on

I can view the Venom beta page without issue, but the two temp holding list pages throw errors for me, I suspect because they are private. I’m also able to view various other beta pages without issue.

Sounds like there might be an issue with that list page specifically?

yeah, hard to know what was really going on - especially since the problems with beta pages cured. Maybe a spike in internet traffic caused some problems?

Yes, my temp holding list is private: but I thought we’d determined that private pages could still be viewed in certain situations. At least that’s what I remember from a discussion many months back on the subject on the other forum. Maybe I’m confusing this with something else?

edit: oh, but end run, while I was able to complete the Update task and received the email saying page was updated - no IMDb votes are registering on iCM for Venom: Let there be Carnage. That was the task I was trying to complete and had nothing but problems.

IMDB votes haven’t updated in 4 or 5 years; Marijn disconnected it from the update mechanism, as the number of votes don’t show up on Beta anyway. Only the imdb rating, genres, title, AKA, year, and director(s) update from imdb.

The field still displays on 2.0, but any film that wasn’t imported/updated until after the disconnect will display imdb Votes as 0. Not a :beetle:

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