Crazy ranking decrease

I checked off ‘The Apartment’ - 26 official toplists (+ two movies not in any list) and I LOST 245 in my ranking. -245 ?? This is the third time I have seen a drop in ranking from checking list heavy film(s), but this amount tops all others!

the two events are unrelated

Can this be related to the flaws in checkcount that was reported lately and that Marijn fixed some things? I see a lot of people around ZEDG climbing in rank as if a bunch of users disappeared somewhere or if there has been some mayor corrections.

I checked your checkcount and the 1128 checks for which you are listed in the rankings are correct.

Oh wait, there were so huge IMDb-changes again, which was probably a disadvantage for you.

From 5529 earlier today (check off a film in 26 top lists) … get downgraded to 5774.
IMDb changes occurred at some point today and caused this?

So 1127 top list checks = 5529
but 1128 top list checks = 5774
… (or did a huge amount of films get removed from lists and I wasn’t previously on 1127 but actually much higher?)…

Checked a few friends and no one dropped rank (or to such an extent). Dang.

not every user’s rank gets updated at the same time
I wouldn’t worry too much about it
huge changes in rank can happen, certainly in the 5000 range.

This can cause it indeed.
There has been some changes on IMDb lately, which causes bugs in the IMDb-lists of iCM. For example, the shorts list had 50 new entries yesterday, because if a bug that currently lists the shorts from lowest rating up instead of highest rating down. If you have checked most of the shorts on the correct version of the list, you lost a lot of checks, because at the moment you only have 3 checks there. It could be that your userrank updated after that list updated and the people around you haven’t updated yet since then. So other people will update later and your rank might go up again. But hopefully the bug in the shorts list will be solved within a few days and then everything will revert.