Films that need info updates on iCM from IMDb


Wrong title on:
Seven Sisters

Correct title is:
What happened to Monday


Could director Yoshiyuki Tomino be added to this? Not sure if IMDB has this information but every other source will corroborate. TMDB, Anime websites, Wikipedia, etc.
Edit: I have submitted the update request to IMDB. Additionally it is a “mini-series” not a “tv-series” as it only has 6 episodes with a total runtime of under 2.5 hrs. A Poster update would be amazing as well. Thanks!

Apparently the update on IMDb hasn’t gone through entirely. I can see the director, but iCM doesn’t update it. I’ll try to remember to try again tomorrow.

Now called Doom: Annihilation

It went through.

Updated Doom

Directors don’t import for TV series or mini series because of how imdb labels them.

Assuming it’s actually originally Japanese you might want to change the original title to the Japanese title instead of the English translation

Maybe but the same can not be said for the analogous
I don’t really care about adding the romanji to IMDb, I just would like the Yoshiyuki Tomino director tag and correct poster to be added to icheckmovies.

I assume that was labelled a movie at the time it was imported, most mini-series don’t have imported directors and I’ve never been able to get it to import one (or imdb to export one when I export a list).

The poster we can do, though.

A.k.a. “I Lost My Body”


Director should be changed to Ishiro Honda'ishirand2013265924%20honda'

both updated

The title should be David Bowie: Finding Fame


Year is 2019, not 2016.


Down on Us (1989)

Just noticed this by chance. ICM says 1989, IMDB says 1984.
