I recently made my movie checks “public” on my Settings/Privacy page, in hopes of being able to see my ranking among the “top users” with respect to lists.
However, when I visit any list, click on the Top Users, and order them by name, I don’t find my username there. For example, I would expect to see myself at https://www.icheckmovies.com/lists/top+250/topusers/?page=2344&sort=name but there’s no “gromit82” there.
Do I need to upgrade to a paid subscription to be ranked?
You can find your rank on any list by going to Your Profile then opening the Progress Tab. You will see all the top lists listed. Each list will have its name, how many you have checked, how many on the list and your position amongst all users.
For example:
100 Best British Films 35 / 102
A check of your user profile shows that for the Top 250 top list
Top 250 121 / 250
That is you have checked 121 of the 250 films and amongst all users you are in position 22344.
I hope that helps
And I can see your name in the link you provided, gromit, although one page further. Nothing wrong here as far as I can see.
Thanks, Dave and Joachim. I think I just needed to wait for the next rankings update, because I see I am listed now,