Official list updates

Thanks. And sorry about the other response. I didn’t see this one at first. Thanks again.

Yeah, for more recent stuff the distinction is clear because people entered and scrutinized the data as it aired. For older pre-imdb things a lot of data for live airings is muddled and sometimes imposed on titles it shouldn’t be on, especially since both TV titles and film titles for obscure things vary by source, and it takes real research to untangle things correctly.

Any thoughts about adding the new TSPDT users’ poll as an new official top list? If it helps, I created a ICM list with everything included:

There was already a list: TSPDT Poll: 1,005 Film Favourites -

It’s something we’re talking about.

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Chris’s list is better because it arranges the tied titles in alphabetical order instead of reverse alphabetical order like mjf’s :stuck_out_tongue: (but I know why mjf did it that way and it’s fine). :slight_smile:

Well, I don’t have the same number of checks on both lists, so one of them is probably better than the other for being more accurate, but I don’t feel like checking which. If/when we do adopt obviously we’ll run through the list to double check everything.

when is 1001 movies list going to be updated?

I can do it if someone give me requisite permissions

We just got confirmation of what is in the update yesterday, so in the next couple of days.

any update?

Sorry, yes. I finished going through everything yesterday, I’ll be updating it in a couple of hours.

The Timeout’s 100 best French films list needs to be updated :

For example “Sombre” or " Disneyland, mon vieux pays natal" are not listed on the source page anymore.

Ugh. Another reason to get rid of this Time Out list and replace it with something better.

Strange that the source says it was last updated in January 2019, but the latest changes were implemented between March and August 2020 according to

I see PA has already gone ahead and updated the list, which now only has 98 titles :frowning:

Dans le noir du temps also was removed and BPM was added. All three films now removed were recent additions to the list, so it looks like Time Out did some more tampering… again. :disgruntled_face:

Anyway, thanks for pointing it out.

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If I’m not mistaken, it appears that Rotten Tomatoes no longer publishes or maintains their top 100 all-time list. What does that mean for the associated iCM top list? Does it stay stuck in amber or should it get retired as an official list?

For now it stays in amber. We discussed it briefly a while back but did not come to a long term decision.

Knor won this years Golden Calf at the Netherlands Film Fesitval, so this should be an official check: Knor (2022) -

On this list: Gouden Kalf Award - Best Dutch Film -

Source: Nederlands Film Festival | Nieuws

Thanks. List updated :slight_smile:

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This has nothing to do with Lists updates, but I couldn’t think of where else to post this, and also didn’t want to make a new topic just for this. I apologize if this doesn’t belong here.

Why is it that the list Kinema Junpo’s Top 200 Japanese Films only lists 199 films?

It’s perhaps been discussed somewhere else before, but couldn’t find anything.

Because the source only has 199 films. I assume they said “close enough let’s call it a top 200.”

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I thought I’d looked into this list more deeply, but I think I have it confused with the readers poll from KJ that I added to icm a few years ago.

Looking at the source for this list, there are a few discrepancies:
*There are only 198 entries listed in the source. So the list should only be 198 titles long.

  • One of the entries tied at #59 is the Human Condition trilogy, which is counted as a single entry in the source but 3 entries on icm. So the list should now be 200 titles long.
  • Another entry at #59 is “「男はつらいよ」シリーズ(69~95)”. The link in the source just takes it to the page of the first film, which is the one that was added to icm, but the inclusion of the years might indicate that more than one film were intended. There’s no way of knowing for sure, as far as I can tell, and there are 48 films in the series in the given years. So the list should now be 200-247 titles long.
  • The first entry at #106 is 「忠次旅日記」三部作(27), which is explicitly listed as a film trilogy, of which icm only includes the third entry in the list. So the list should now be 202-249 titles long.
  • One of the entries at #106 is “「次郎長三国志」シリーズ(東宝版)(52~54)”. The link in the source again just takes it to the page of the first film, though it might be part 4 that’s on the icm list, but multiple films seem to be inferred. But which ones? I see 10 Jirocho sangokushi films from 1952-1954 on imdb. One of the 1952 films should probably replace the 1953 currently in the list, but I’m not sure which one (This one has the Japanese title matching the one linked to in the source, but this other one has been on imdb & icm longer and is referenced in other lists. Both films were released on the same day, apparently, yet appear to be different films). It’s all so very confusing. Additional information on Japanese wiki, which also lists 10 films in the series, though the 10th one may not have been completed. So the list should now be 202-258 titles long.
  • Another entry at #106 is “男はつらいよ(69)”, which is a duplicate of the film series listed above at #59 (both links lead to the first film in the series). So the list should now be 201-257 titles long.

Thus, the actual source only has 198 entries, of which 197 are unique films/series. Since the icm list added the two Human Condition sequels, it has 199.

It seems to me like a number of films are missing from the icm list:

  • The first & second Chuji Tabinikki films (even though they may be partially lost)
  • Some/all of the Toro-san films
  • Some/all of the Jirocho sangokushi

I’m most confident about the Chuji Tabinikki films, and the fact that the wrong Jirocho sangokushi film is used as a placeholder. I’m less confident that the rest of those series should be added, instead of only having the first film represent the series in the list.

It’s too bad they didn’t do a new poll in 2019 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the publication and clean up this mess. :laughing:

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Because the source only has 199 films. I assume they said “close enough let’s call it a top 200.”

But my OCD! Would somebody think of my OCD! Those savages.

Hot damn, talk about a few discrepancies. I appreciate the thorough reply. Fascinating.

No kidding. :roll_eyes: :sweat_smile: