The Shining is missing in search results "director:'stanley kubrick'"

  1. Go the main page of The Shining (old layout)
  2. Click ‘Stanley Kubrick’
  3. The new page shows the search result for “director:‘stanley kubrick’” (new layout)

In the list of step 3, The Shining is missing. Since Kubrick directed The Shining (site agrees with me on this one), I would expect to see it in this list as well.

This issue still continues, especially for newest additions:






Also meaning that i can’t click on my username and then see all the movies that i’ve added.

It works in the beta. When I go to that movie on iCM3.0 and then click on the director, I get this:
The movie you mentioned is there.

I think this is caused, because new movies are processed in the beta and the beta doesn’t work with tags like in 2.0. So my guess is the tag is not created.