Films that need info updates on iCM from IMDb

I don’t think this is something Marijn has prioritized thus far. It’s not a unique case. Check out the two George Millers, for example.

My guess is that the workaround/resolution would require using imdb’s unique nmIDs instead of names to differentiate directors, but I don’t know how much work that requires, nor if the effort is worth the few common cases this would resolve. It would be nice, though.

The only way to sort of separate them would be to create a filmography list for the directors in question (well, you can probably skip the adult TK one).

There’s one for the TK you want: Travis Knight Filmography -
Don’t know if it’s updated, though.

Well in this case they are easy to tell apart. I was only kind of surprised that a director of kids’ movies and animation should also direct adult movies and wanted to spare others the same confusion.

Thanks for the comprehensive answer.

The poster of this title not showing, how can I update the poster?


Fanmade poster featuring Jackie Chan is on the ICM page, but the poster has been updated/corrected on IMDb.

Posters are automatically imported from … (to be honest, I don’t know anymore, but certainly not IMDb).

they do not appear to be importing from cinematerial either. :roll_eyes:

This one movie will not update info. I am able to update other movies fine, but not this one
I am expecting it to update at least the year, but possibly the title and other things too.

The IMDb page of this doesn’t exist anymore. The tt number is tt3212692, but it redirects to tt1222816, which is another page on iCM:
Pollen (2011) -
So the way to solve it is merging the two pages. You can’t do that yourself. I just did. (queue seems to be slow, I’ll check again later)

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This page has the wrong poster picture. This link is for an animated short. The picture is for the live action mini-series.

I tried to “update info” on my own but it didn’t help

There used to be a way to update the poster, but I cannot find it anymore. It could also be that the poster is incorrect in the source.